In our first discussion, our group was lacking energy and depth in our conversation. So when we got the rubrics and saw what was wrong we made it our goal as a group to be more prepared, more energetic and to have a more in depth conversation. When we came to class for the second discussion we were more prepared and we were ready to have a good discussion about the past chapters we had read. During our discussion we had a lot of energy and were going above and beyond in our conversations that at some points we would continue talking even after the time was up. Our second discussion couldn't have gone any better! We achieved all of our goals and had a great discussion that was really helpful in better understanding and rethinking some parts of the book. I think that if we do the same thing for our next discussion it should go great. I hope we can keep having these great discussions because they prove to be very helpful and fun!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tuesday Write #7
The conch shell is the true symbol of civilization and order. The conch shell is basically the only thing on the island that upholds Ralph’s idea of of civilization on the island. When Ralph realizes that his civilization is slowly unraveling and the boys are becoming more and more savage. Ralph called an assembly by using the conch, “No one said anything but the faces turned to Ralph were intent. He flourished the conch” (Golding, 78). Every boy on the island respects the conch, the conch resembles power and most boys on the island don’t have the courage to question that power. In the next scene Ralph needs to call an assembly in his time of need, the only way this is possible is to blow on the conch. “I’ll blow the conch… and call an assembly” (Golding, 151). There is power within the conch, but this power resembles order. The power of the conch only belongs in the right hands, like Ralph.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Ender's Game Book Review
Andrew ‘Ender’ Wiggin, but six years old when first recruited by Earth’s government to assist the military with an ongoing battle against an alien species often referred to as “buggers”. Ender immediately is thrown into battle training as a child. By the time Ender is twelve he proves himself worthy of leading Earth's military into their final assault against the alien species. Welcome to Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s game.
Ender’s Game is a science fiction novel written in 1985 by Orson Scott Card. The novel follows a young boy, Ender Wiggin, from the time he is six years old and just being recruited to the military to the time he is twelve and leading his military as a captain. Ender has never had an easy life. From the time he was just a child he has been ridiculed for being a “third”. In this futuristic society there is a child limit of two. And so Ender, being the third child has always been teased. The government saw potential in Enders brother, Peter, but he was too aggressive and a bit crazy. They also saw potential in Enders sister, Valentine, but she wasn't aggressive enough. So the government insisted that John and Theresa Wiggin (Enders Parents) have a third child, Ender, believing he would be the perfect balance of his siblings. Since the day he was born the military has always had great expectations for Ender Wiggin, although he was never aware of this, “I’ve watched through his eyes, I’ve listened through his ears, and i can tell you he’s the one. Or at least as close as we’re going to get” (Card, 1). Being thrown into battle like Ender was is no easy task. Ender wasn’t prepared for this, he never knew about the expectations the government had always had for him. Ender didn’t know that he was genetically the perfect weapon for Earth’s military to take advantage of. “... he settles his own problems. When he’s out there surrounded by an enemy fleet, there ain’t gonna be nobody to help him if he calls” (Card, 37).
Personally I thought this book couldn’t be better. I have always had a love for science fiction books, I have been reading them since I was a kid. This book kept me locked in for hours at a time. This book captured all the main aspects of a science fiction story; action, emotion, good plot, good setting, in depth characters and much more are all captured in Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game.
I have noticed that in a lot of science fiction novels the story will get a bit out of control and completely leave out an aspect of the story. That is not the case in Ender’s Game. Orson Scott Card keeps a firm grip on the novel at all times never letting it get out of control or off topic. As a fifteen year old it was very easy for me to relate to Ender. Because Ender is just a normal kid the reader can easily relate to him, then the book develops into an incredible science fiction novel about a brilliant kid who never truly expected anything from himself and is now leading Earth’s military into an unimaginable battle.
I took an IAT (Implicit Association Test). The test would show me if I have any preferences in peoples skin tones. My test revealed that I have a moderate preference to light skinned people rather than dark skinned people. I was surprised to hear this, I guess when it says that your brain makes the association automatically it is true because I have never noticed it or even really thought about it. I never realized I had this bias, to be honest we all probably have tons of unconscious biases that we are not even aware of!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Tuesday Write #3
Late start Monday is better than last years late start Tuesday schedule. Late start Monday allows teachers to better help students, students to leave school at the same time as everyone else, and an easier transition into the week. For example, with everyone leaving school at the same time it allows teachers to offer after school help for any students who chooses to take it. Without the time gap between regular Tuesday ending and A period Tuesday ending it allows any student to see any teacher without having to worry about that teacher teaching a class or having left school already. Having everyone leave at the same time allows people to carpool home whether or not they have an A period. It also lets students plan study groups or work on projects after school with friends. Mondays are hard coming off of a weekend and going straight into the week can be tough. The late start on Monday allows for a nice transition into the week. Monday's shortened periods make for an easier start to the week!
Still, some people may argue that the old late start Tuesday schedule was better. People without an A period might have liked leaving school early more than getting to school late. Maybe parents like the easier traffic after school on tuesdays. But, if your friends or carpool have an A period then you either have to wait for them or leave without them. It can also make the morning traffic a lot more crowded with everyone getting there at the same time.
Altogether, it is pretty obvious that late start Monday is better than last years late start Tuesday schedule.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Hello! My name is Thomas Edgington. I am in the 10th grade. I enjoy a lot of things, including poetry, artwork, italian cars, and sports. I enjoy sports like rugby, football, soccer, baseball, surfing, mountain biking , water polo and much more.
I like a lot of books, but my personal favorite is Tom Clancy's "Red Rabit" I love books with a lot of action, adventure and surprise.
One writing goal I have for this year is just to write better, easier and more fun to read pieces. I want to improve the length in my writing and also improve my spelling and grammar.
"Good decisions don't make life easy, but they do make it easier." -Larry Gelwix. To me what Larry is saying is just that life will never be easy for anyone! Life is hard, and you need to work at it. And even though good decisions wont make your life easy, they can make it easier.