Hello! My name is Thomas Edgington. I am in the 10th grade. I enjoy a lot of things, including poetry, artwork, italian cars, and sports. I enjoy sports like rugby, football, soccer, baseball, surfing, mountain biking , water polo and much more.
I like a lot of books, but my personal favorite is Tom Clancy's "Red Rabit" I love books with a lot of action, adventure and surprise.
One writing goal I have for this year is just to write better, easier and more fun to read pieces. I want to improve the length in my writing and also improve my spelling and grammar.
"Good decisions don't make life easy, but they do make it easier." -Larry Gelwix. To me what Larry is saying is just that life will never be easy for anyone! Life is hard, and you need to work at it. And even though good decisions wont make your life easy, they can make it easier.
Focus on understanding the complexity of the newer more advanced words were gonna be learning this year since its 10th grade English but good job so far it's a your cute